Hey Becca!
Looks like you're at the doctors office? Are you doing ok? Just getting a few things checked out are you? Thats good to hear! Knowing when to seek help from a health care professional is always a good step towards improving your health journey. Even better is having the knowledge to know what to ask. Becca is feeling confident in her knowledge of how her body works, knowing that just because something is "common" does not necessarily make it normal. She then has the tools to advocate for testing, and knows what questions ask, to get the answers she needs. The Braided Table is the perfect opportunity to find out about lots of common conditions that aren't necessarily normal, which can lead to earlier detection of a diagnosis and then of course solutions. Want to join us for the next round of The Braided Table? Next session starts in February, but you don't have to wait until then to see what it's all about. Join me, Dr. Richelle, as I walk you through the first, foundational module all about Goals, Mindset and Intuition. This module is made to help set the scene for all other modules (there are 8 in total). It will give you a sense of the layout of the other modules, but also a great base to start any health care journey, whether you decide to actually DO the rest of the program. Have more questions? Head to the "Contact Us" tab and send me a message! Want to join us this Saturday, January 13th from 1-3? Head to the link below to register.
What's up Becca!?
Looks like you are surrounded by an amazing group of supporters! These must be the other Braided Beauties! How amazing is it that you have this group of women to share with and to cheer each other on. Especially given the last few years (you all know what I'm talking about ; ) Health journey's can be tough and having people to share it with who are on a similar journey is so important. As the wonderful Brene Brown says: "We don't have to do it all of it alone. We were never meant to." And I think it definitely applies here! A support network is so important, its one of the questions I ask every single patient, whether they feel they have one or not and how supportive they feel it is. I am so glad Becca that you found The Braided Table and have this fun group of Braided Beauties to connect with, learn from and cheer each other on. If you are interested in learning more about The Braided Table and becoming a Braided Beauty yourself, head to the contact us page and send me message! The Foundational Module - Goals, Mindset and Intuition, starts in one week! Saturday, January 13th from 1-3 pm. Wanna sign up? Link below to the booking site. I'd love to see you there! Hey Becca! What's up today?
Looks to me like Becca has been sitting down and figuring some stuff out. I bet she's working on her Braided Table Foundational Module of - Goals, Mindset and Intuition. In the first module Becca and the other Braided Beauties learned the importance of goal setting, having a growth mindset and of course dove into our super power as women - our intuition. Way to go Becca! I'd say you're on your way to setting out the path to an empowered health journey. How about you? Do you take time to set out goals for your health, think about how your mindset can either be adding to that goal or hindering it, and of course sprinkle in a little intuition to the mix? Wanna learn more about how to get support with all of this and more with The Braided Table community program? Join me, Dr. Richelle, as I walk you through this Foundational Module - Saturday, January 13th from 1-3 pm. This isn't just a sit and listen type of workshop either. We'll do some grounding, some brainstorming, and I even have a little creative activity up my sleeve. ; ) Head to the link below to sign up! Value exchange is only $95 plus taxes, and you'll leave feeling like you have a beautiful map of your health goals moving forward. I'd like to introduce you to two things: The Braided Table and my friend Becca.
The Braided Table is an 8 module women's health empowerment program. Let's see how it changed Becca's life for the better. Becca is what we call A Braided Beauty. What is A Braided Beauty you ask? Why its someone who has participated in The Braided Table community program, that's who! Before participating in the program, Becca's was frustrated and discouraged with her body and her health. She had read all the posts, and tried so many things. Even talking to her doctor didn't seem to help her understand what was going on with her body. She felt as though she was broken and was starting to feel hopeless to ever feel good in her body again, and it all just seemed soooo overwhelming! Then Becca found The Braided Table. The Braided Table provided Becca with a safe space to learn all about her body, so she could better understand what it was trying to tell her. It also provided her with a community of other women going through a similar process, cheering her on and making her accountable to make some changes. Now Becca is happy, feeling more energetic than she has in years, and confident. Confident that she can make good health decisions, because she has the knowledge and the kick-ass support of her other Braided Beauties. Wanna learn more about how you too can become A Braided Beauty? The Foundational Module - Goals, Mindset and Intuition is set to run Saturday, January 13 from 1-3 pm. This is the place to start. Get clear on some of the health goals you would like to achieve for 2024, and start to understand the areas that need a little extra support. Stay tuned as we drop more of Becca's adventures leading up to the first module. Interested and want to sign up now? Click the online booking link below, choose on Community Happenings and sign yourself up! |
AuthorsRichelle and Chris. Empowering people to live positive, vibrant lives. Archives
January 2024